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The Emergency Student Relief

Health Acknowledgement Check In

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Students must complete the MDCPS Personal Site Record and Health Acknowledgment Form daily, prior to accessing any Adult Education Center facilities. Please be prepared to present the email confirmation upon entering the school.

Haga Clic Aquí

Los estudiantes, antes de entrar al centro de adulto, deberán completar el Formulario de Reconocimiento de Salud y Registro Personal del Sitio todos los días. Prepárate para presentar el correo electrónico de confirmación, antes de ingresar a la escuela.

Klike La A

Elèv yo dwe ranpli Dosye Pèsonèl ak Fòm pou Rekonèt koman Sante Yo Ye chak jou, anvan Yo jwenn aksè nan nenpòt Sant Edikasyon pou Granmoun yo. Tanpri, prepare pou prezante konfimasyon Imèl la lè ou antre nan lekòl la.

The CARES Act Works For All Americans

Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting


Wide Range of Programs


Preparing Individuals for the Workforce


Day & Evening Classes


No Large Loans to Repay

Principal’s Message

South Dade Technical College’s mission is to “Guide and prepare learners in attaining their highest academic goals and competency levels to qualify them for initial employment and/or career advancement.” To that end, the faculty and staff are committed to providing high-quality educational programs and services for our adult learners. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you on both the South Dade Technical College Homestead and South Dade Skills Center campuses. The administration, faculty, and staff want to reassure you that we are here to provide you with the support you need to successfully reach your educational goals.

South Dade Technical College has a goal that ensures every student graduate prepared to succeed in post-secondary opportunities and in life, so we will work hard to accelerate student achievement and growth by personalizing instruction to meet student needs. To achieve this, we apply numerous best practices. Under our current Council of Occupational Education (COE) accreditation, the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program completers will be recognized as having met the highest standards in their field.  This will allow us to further assist our students in obtaining federal financial aid.  Join us as we work together to meet the challenges of global competitiveness by actively helping our students gain the skills, technical knowledge, rigorous academic foundation, and real-life experiences they need for high-skill, high-demand, high-wage careers.

Dr. Susana Mauri

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Suspicious Activity Reporting